vendredi 2 mai 2014

Petits Feuilletés

Or little puff pastries, we might say in English. I served these to go with the apéritif for a dinner I did for my friend Patick's parents. Just little bits of vegetable (asparagus, shiitaké mushrooms, dried tomato) wrapped in some puff pastry and cooked in the oven.

lundi 7 avril 2014

Turbo rôti avec ail nouveau rôti et sauce verte

I have a new recipe:

"Turbo rôti avec ail nouveau rôti et sauce verte"

It is added on to my site as well as La Belle Assiette.

I have to say that I am quite pleased with it. The fruit of long research and meditation.
Just for once, I will give you the recipe. First the turbot. The most difficult part is cutting it up. You need a very sharp knife. Remove the head. Cut off the fins with a pair of scissors, and then cut it in two, down the middle, along the back bone (that is where the sharp knife comes in). To cook it: first colour the dark site in pan with a little butter, then place in hot oven till cooked (please do not ask me exactly how hot, and I certainly can not tell you exactly how long - somewhere around 10 minutes). It can be very slightly pink on the bones.
Now the sauce. Is really just a beurre blanc with herbs. Finely chop some parsley, chervil and chives. Take some butter. Put it in the microwave till it has almost melted, but not quite. Place in liquidiser with herbs and some lemon juice (I use a bamix). Liquidize. Remove and place in fridge. Now make the beurre blanc the classic way. (Instead of reduced whire wine I used reduced fish stock).
I think next time I will lighten the sauce with a zap from the bamix.

mardi 18 mars 2014

LBA Verified

I have been certified "LBA Verified" by La Belle Assiette. You do a test dinner for 8 people. Here is a photo of the guests taking the apéritif.

You can read all about it in the Belle Assiette Blog.

And, of course, on my site

vendredi 14 mars 2014

Beef Welington

I did a 60th birthday dinner for 14 people, a family do. They wanted something a bit luxury, so after long discussion I proposed Beef Wellington (a filet of beef in a pastry crust) for the main course. (The starters was a salad of Scallops and Lobster with some truffle - beat that for luxury). Anyway, after searching round different Beef Wellington recipes I came across Gordon Ramsey on YouTube (yes him again). I have to say that his version is the best. Here is a photo of a dish made with the thin end of the filet of beef (i.e. left over) and some foie gras.

Check it out in the gallery

mercredi 19 février 2014

New Dessert

What do you think of this:

Chocolate mousse with confit pineapples and lime. The Chocolate mousse is from Gordan Ramsey. After extensive research it seemed to me the best recipe.

St Valentins day dinner for 5 couples

My friend Claudia decided to invite 4 other couples for a joint St Valentins dinner. They were all (more or less) from Lain America, and I must say that they had a lot of fun. Check out their entry in the Guest Book .

mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Buffet for 18th birhday party

Here are a few photos of the buffet I did for my daughter's 18th.

If you would something similar, no problem! Very reasonable prices. rendez-vous on

jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Philosophy Part 2

Well, finally (things are a bit quiet in this first week of January) some final words on the philosophy of my cooking. Or, to put it more plainly, what I try to do. Take another look at the gallery on Really, all I am trying to do is to reveal things (things we eat) for what they are. For this reason I am not into “creativity” - new and unusual combinations. As I have said, done by great chefs that can be great. Done by not great chefs (and here I definitely include me) it can be awful and pointless. Some on the people at La Belle Assiette described by food as “Authentic”. I can not think of a better compliment.