mardi 18 mars 2014

LBA Verified

I have been certified "LBA Verified" by La Belle Assiette. You do a test dinner for 8 people. Here is a photo of the guests taking the apéritif.

You can read all about it in the Belle Assiette Blog.

And, of course, on my site

vendredi 14 mars 2014

Beef Welington

I did a 60th birthday dinner for 14 people, a family do. They wanted something a bit luxury, so after long discussion I proposed Beef Wellington (a filet of beef in a pastry crust) for the main course. (The starters was a salad of Scallops and Lobster with some truffle - beat that for luxury). Anyway, after searching round different Beef Wellington recipes I came across Gordon Ramsey on YouTube (yes him again). I have to say that his version is the best. Here is a photo of a dish made with the thin end of the filet of beef (i.e. left over) and some foie gras.

Check it out in the gallery