samedi 28 décembre 2013

Feedback from the last dinner

As I said, they lovede the dinner I did last Friday. After a little prodding via SMS they commented it on the Belle Assiette. Here it is (in French):
Five Stars
"Grace au chef Angus Morison, nous nous rappelons toujours des 60 ans de mon papa. Nous nous sommes vraiment régalés. Tous les plats nous ont agréablement surpris, de l'apéritif avec les gougères ultra légères à la tartes tatin caramélisée... Les quantités étaient et le goût au rendez vous. Je reprendrai et conseillerai ce chef sans hésité."

Of course, you should always prefer . 

mercredi 25 décembre 2013

First Dinner via the "Belle Assiette"

Last Friday I did my first dinner obtained via the Belle Assiette. The first time I cooked for people I I did not know at all. I have to say that they were very nice and that it was a great success, with a round of applause at the end. I did the "Marché" menu. Of course, if you require my services, it would be best if you went directly to my site.

lundi 16 décembre 2013

First entry in the Guestbook

My friend Angie (after some delay) has written up in the Guestbook for the meal I did back in novembre (20 covers). Take a look: . Then tell me if you think she is exagerating a little!

samedi 14 décembre 2013

La Belle Assiette

While waiting for my site to become a bit higher in the google search results (any tips welcome) I have joined La Belle Assiette .

lundi 9 décembre 2013

New dishes, new Photos

I have added 3 more dishes to the Gallery (and actually removed one).
They are:
Chaud-Froid de Saint Jacques. I think I have finally got the scallop recipe that I want, something simple to reveal all the subtlety of the scallops. They are quickly sautéed, and then a sauce which is something in between a vinagrette, a mayonaise and a mousse (thank you Bamix).
 "Le duo de Canard: Petits choux farci avec cuisse de canard et pied de porc, filet de canard", my creation that.
"Tarte Tatin aux Poires", finally a desert which looks and tastes professional (thank you Gordon Ramsey).